Griffin Byatt

I am a security engineer, currently focused on internet security and RE.

26 June 2019

The Phoenix Router

by Griffin Byatt

Note: This series is using Phoenix 1.4.1

This is the second in a multi-part series of blog posts about Phoenix internals. You can find the first post here.

This post is about the Phoenix Router. Specifically, it covers everything that happens between your Endpoint execution and the execution of your Controller action.

High Level Overview

In the last post we saw how Plug.Builder is ultimately invoked, and we know that it will call every plug in the Endpoint in order. If we take a look at the Endpoint, at the very bottom, we can see the last plug that gets called is actually our Router.

 # lib/phoenix_internals_web/endpoint.ex
 plug PhoenixInternalsWeb.Router

Let’s take a look at our generated Router and consider what this can tell us about how the routing functionality works.

 # lib/phoenix_internals_web/router.ex
 defmodule PhoenixInternalsWeb.Router do
  use PhoenixInternalsWeb, :router

  pipeline :browser do
    plug :accepts, ["html"]
    plug :fetch_session
    plug :fetch_flash
    plug :protect_from_forgery
    plug :put_secure_browser_headers

  pipeline :api do
    plug :accepts, ["json"]

  scope "/", PhoenixInternalsWeb do
    pipe_through :browser

    get "/", PageController, :index

  # Other scopes may use custom stacks.
  # scope "/api", PhoenixInternalsWeb do
  #   pipe_through :api
  # end

We don’t see an init or call function in there, which are required for plug conformance, so those are presumably included via the use macro at the top of the module.

There are also a few keywords we might not recognize if we’ve never looked at Phoenix before – scope, pipeline, pipe_through, get – but, knowing Elixir, we can safely assume that these are macros, also imported via use PhoenixInternalsWeb, :router.

If you haven’t read the Phoenix Router documentation, consider doing so (, but I’ll give a quick refresher here as well.

Basically, pipelines are a set of plugs that act as middleware, routes are defined with special macros like “get” and “post”, and scopes bind routes and pipelines to a namespace. What this means is that when a request matches a route, the connection is processed by each pipeline in the current scope, and is then dispatched to the controller.

With our understanding of Endpoint functionality, and with a quick look at the generated code, we can assume the Router works like this:

  1. The Endpoint calls, opts).
  2. The call function matches a connection with a route definition.
  3. The connection is processed by pipelines in the route’s scope.
  4. Finally, the connection is dispatched to an appropriate controller.

Now that we have some idea of what we should be seeing, let’s take a look at the internals.

Router Internals

Our first assumption was that the necessary Plug functions were included with use PhoenixInternalsWeb, :router. If you’ve done any work with Phoenix, you’ll have noticed this module referenced at the top of your routers, controllers, and views. And, if you’ve created controllers and views without generators before, it’s likely that you’ve forgotten to use the module at some point and run into errors. That makes sense because this is actually where all of Phoenix’s helpers are defined, used, or imported. As the documentation puts it, this is “[t]he entrypoint for defining your web interface, such as controllers, views, channels and so on.”

Let’s take a look at this module.

# lib/phoenix_internals_web.ex

defmodule PhoenixInternalsWeb do
  def controller do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.Controller, namespace: PhoenixInternalsWeb

      import Plug.Conn
      import PhoenixInternalsWeb.Gettext
      alias PhoenixInternalsWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes

  def view do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.View,
        root: "lib/phoenix_internals_web/templates",
        namespace: PhoenixInternalsWeb

      # Import convenience functions from controllers
      import Phoenix.Controller, only: [get_flash: 1, get_flash: 2, view_module: 1]

      # Use all HTML functionality (forms, tags, etc)
      use Phoenix.HTML

      import PhoenixInternalsWeb.ErrorHelpers
      import PhoenixInternalsWeb.Gettext
      alias PhoenixInternalsWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes

  def router do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.Router
      import Plug.Conn
      import Phoenix.Controller

  def channel do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.Channel
      import PhoenixInternalsWeb.Gettext

  @doc """
  When used, dispatch to the appropriate controller/view/etc.
  defmacro __using__(which) when is_atom(which) do
    apply(__MODULE__, which, [])

Defined at the bottom of the module is the __using__ macro, where we can see that our use argument is ultimately used to decide which functionality to import. In our case, we supplied :router which results in a call to PhoenixInternalsWeb.router(). Let’s take a look at the router function.

# lib/phoenix_internals_web.ex

def router do
  quote do
    use Phoenix.Router
    import Plug.Conn
    import Phoenix.Controller

We can see that it’s pretty simple. It imports Plug.Conn and Phoenix.Controller for easy access to helper functions, and it uses Phoenix.Router. The Phoenix.Router seems like the obvious place for our plug functions to be defined, so we’ll take a look at it next.

Since we are useing the module, the first thing to look for is the __using__ macro.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

defmacro __using__(_) do
  quote do

The Phoenix.Router module is following a pattern we’ve seen throughout the codebase, where functionality is included by unquote-ing the return of various functions.

To find the Plug functions we are looking for, we can search through each unquoted function in turn, or simply cmd-f call to find that it is located within match_dispatch.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

defp match_dispatch() do
  quote location: :keep do
    @behaviour Plug

    @doc """
    Callback required by Plug that initializes the router
    for serving web requests.
    def init(opts) do

    @doc """
    Callback invoked by Plug on every request.
    def call(conn, _opts) do
      |> prepare()
      |> __match_route__(conn.method,, &URI.decode/1),
      |> Phoenix.Router.__call__()

    defoverridable [init: 1, call: 2]

Taking a look at call, the general flow is pretty simple. The conn is prepared in some way, then the route is found via __match_route__, and the output from __match_route__ is passed to Router.__call__. Presumably, that final __call__ function is what actually dispatches the conn to the appropriate controller.

Let’s take a look at each of these functions to see exactly what is happening.


# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

defp prepare(conn) do
  update_in conn.private,
      |> Map.put(:phoenix_router, __MODULE__)
      |> Map.put(__MODULE__, {conn.script_name, @phoenix_forwards}))

The prepare function adds some keys to the private map in the Conn structure. These are used further on in the request lifecycle, but aren’t particularly interesting right now.


The __match_route__ function is where things start to get more interesting. You’ll find it near the bottom of build_match in a quote block.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

quote line: route.line do

  @doc false
  def __match_route__(var!(conn), unquote(verb_match), unquote(path), unquote(host)) do
    {unquote(prepare), &unquote(Macro.var(pipe_name, __MODULE__))/1, unquote(dispatch)}

When this code is compiled it will generate functions like __match_route__(conn, "GET", ["path", id], _). This is pretty standard Elixir pattern-matching, and it’s easy to see how the match/dispatch functionality probably works. What we are missing now is how these routes are actually being defined. Let’s take a look at that.

If we widen our view a bit, we’ll see that this quoted __match_route__/4 function is in build_match/2. Searching for the build_match/2 call location shows that it is called within the __before_compile__ macro.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

defmacro __before_compile__(env) do
  routes = env.module |> Module.get_attribute(:phoenix_routes) |> Enum.reverse
  routes_with_exprs =, &{&1, Route.exprs(&1)})

  Helpers.define(env, routes_with_exprs)
  {matches, _} = Enum.map_reduce(routes_with_exprs, %{}, &build_match/2)

Here, it looks like routes are being fetched from the :phoenix_routes module attribute, then getting processed by Route.exprs/1, and finally map_reduced through our build_match/2 function. The interesting bit here is that routes are stored and fetched from a module attribute. Since this all happens compile-time, it’s a little difficult to introspect, but we can still test that out.

To do that, let’s add @phoenix_routes to our own router, then run the application.

$ iex -S mix phx.server
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]

Compiling 2 files (.ex)

== Compilation error in file lib/phoenix_internals_web/router.ex ==
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Phoenix.Router.Route.build_path_and_binding/1    
    The following arguments were given to Phoenix.Router.Route.build_path_and_binding/1:
        # 1
    Attempted function clauses (showing 1 out of 1):
        defp build_path_and_binding(%Phoenix.Router.Route{path: path} = route)
    (phoenix) lib/phoenix/router/route.ex:78: Phoenix.Router.Route.build_path_and_binding/1
    (phoenix) lib/phoenix/router/route.ex:63: Phoenix.Router.Route.exprs/1
    (phoenix) lib/phoenix/router.ex:321: anonymous fn/1 in Phoenix.Router."MACRO-__before_compile__"/2
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1336: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
    (phoenix) expanding macro: Phoenix.Router.__before_compile__/1
    lib/phoenix_internals_web/router.ex:1: PhoenixInternalsWeb.Router (module)
    (elixir) lib/kernel/parallel_compiler.ex:229: anonymous fn/4 in Kernel.ParallelCompiler.spawn_workers/7

By setting our own invalid module attribute, we’ve caused the compilation to fail. Looking at the stack trace, we can see that it’s failed somewhere in the Route.exprs/1 processing. This is, perhaps, interesting, but not super helpful.

Anyway, now that we know routes are stored in a module attribute, let’s take a look at where that happens.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

defp prelude() do
  quote do
    Module.register_attribute __MODULE__, :phoenix_routes, accumulate: true
    @phoenix_forwards %{}

    import Phoenix.Router

    # TODO v2: No longer automatically import dependencies
    import Plug.Conn
    import Phoenix.Controller

    # Set up initial scope
    @phoenix_pipeline nil
    @before_compile unquote(__MODULE__)

This prelude function is called from our initial __using__ macro, and it actually sets up a number of attributes for our router module. For now, the bit we care about is Module.register_attribute __MODULE__, :phoenix_routes, accumulate: true. This registers the :phoenix_routes attribute, and indicates that repeated calls to @phoenix_routes will accumulate instead of overwriting the previous value. We’ll find those calls within the add_route/6 function.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

defp add_route(kind, verb, path, plug, plug_opts, options) do
  quote do
    @phoenix_routes Scope.route(

This function is called from a number of macros (hence the quoted return), which are defined just above.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

for verb <- @http_methods do
  @doc """
  Generates a route to handle a #{verb} request to the given path.
  defmacro unquote(verb)(path, plug, plug_opts, options \\ []) do
    add_route(:match, unquote(verb), path, plug, plug_opts, options)

This little block of code, just above add_route, defines all of the macros you are probably familiar with in Phoenix routes. When your default router contains get "/", PageController, :index, this is the macro that is being called. In this instance, that will result in a call to add_route(:match, :get, "/", PageController, :index, []).

Every time we call one of these macros, add_route is called, and the return value of Scope.route is added to our @phoenix_routes module attribute.

Let’s move on to Scope.route. From the add_route function, we can see that it takes all of the values passed in our original get/post/etc macro calls, as well as some line and module metadata.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router/scope.ex

@doc """
Builds a route based on the top of the stack.
def route(line, module, kind, verb, path, plug, plug_opts, opts) do
  path    = validate_path(path)
  private = Keyword.get(opts, :private, %{})
  assigns = Keyword.get(opts, :assigns, %{})
  as      = Keyword.get(opts, :as, Phoenix.Naming.resource_name(plug, "Controller"))

  {path, host, alias, as, pipes, private, assigns} =
    join(module, path, plug, as, private, assigns), kind, verb, path, host, alias, plug_opts, as, pipes, private, assigns)

At a high level, we can see that this function fetches and validates various route details, such as the path, pipes, assigns, etc, then passes this information to the function. Although this is mostly straightforward, there is a little weirdness with scopes, which we will circle back to later.

The function is very simple, and just returns a Route structure.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router/route.ex

def build(line, kind, verb, path, host, plug, opts, helper, pipe_through, private, assigns)
    when is_atom(verb) and (is_binary(host) or is_nil(host)) and
         is_atom(plug) and (is_binary(helper) or is_nil(helper)) and
         is_list(pipe_through) and is_map(private) and is_map(assigns)
         and kind in [:match, :forward] do

  %Route{kind: kind, verb: verb, path: path, host: host, private: private,
         plug: plug, opts: opts, helper: helper,
         pipe_through: pipe_through, assigns: assigns, line: line}

Taking a step back, we can get a big-picture view of what happens when we define routes.

  1. We add a route with get "/", PageController, :index.
  2. This is a macro, which calls add_route.
  3. In turn, add_route calls @phoenix_routes Scope.route(...).
  4. Scope.route returns a Route struct with all of the appropriate pipes, paths, etc.
  5. This route is accumulated in @phoenix_routes because it was registered with the acccumulate: true option.
  6. The __before_compile__ macro is called, which fetches all of the routes with Module.get_attribute(:phoenix_routes).
  7. The routes are processed, and then passed to the build_match function, which in turn defines the __match_route__ functions.

There are still a few open questions that we will be clearing up shortly, but hopefully this makes sense and you’re starting to see how all of these pieces fit together. If not, take a moment to poke through the code we’ve been reviewing, and try to get yourself oriented.

Earlier I mentioned that the Scope.route function had a little weirdness. Well, that has to do with how pipes are fetched. Most information (path, method, etc) is passed directly to the route builder functions, but how exactly are routes accessing data about pipes?

If we look back at the route function above, we’ll see that pipes are fetched via a join function.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router/scope.ex

defp join(module, path, alias, as, private, assigns) do
  stack = get_stack(module)
  {join_path(stack, path), find_host(stack), join_alias(stack, alias),
   join_as(stack, as), join_pipe_through(stack), join_private(stack, private),
   join_assigns(stack, assigns)}

There are a number of references to a “stack” in this function, including when pipes are fetched. If we follow along with the get_stack function, we’ll see that this is another instance of module attribute (ab)use. The get_stack function fetches the stack from the router module with Module.get_attribute(module, :phoenix_router_scopes). This module attribute is a stack of Scope structs, which can be seen in the scope initialization.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router/scope.ex

@doc """
Initializes the scope.
def init(module) do
  Module.put_attribute(module, @stack, [%Scope{}])
  Module.put_attribute(module, @pipes,

To understand how this works, and why it’s implemented as a stack, let’s look back at the default router.

scope "/", PhoenixInternalsWeb do
  pipe_through :browser

  get "/", PageController, :index

Internally, this uses the scope macro, which creates a Scope structure, and pushes it to the stack. Then, all routes that are defined in the body of the macro can fetch the appropriate scope fields, such as path information, or pipes. Let’s verify that programmatically.

First, we’ll add an inspect to our scope.

scope "/", PhoenixInternalsWeb do
  pipe_through :browser

  IO.inspect(Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :phoenix_router_scopes))
  get "/", PageController, :index

Now, restart the Phoenix application and note the compile-time output.

    alias: "Elixir.PhoenixInternalsWeb",
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: [],
    pipes: [:browser],
    private: %{}
    alias: nil,
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: nil,
    pipes: [],
    private: %{}

Our scope at the top of the stack is the one we defined ourselves. We can see the module information and the list of pipes, which will be accessible to any of the route macros defined within the scope.

Let’s add a nested scope, and two more inspect calls. One within the nested scope, and one after.

scope "/", PhoenixInternalsWeb do
  pipe_through :browser

  IO.inspect(Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :phoenix_router_scopes))
  get "/", PageController, :index

  scope "/nested", PhoenixInternalsWeb do
    IO.inspect(Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :phoenix_router_scopes))
    get "/nested", PageController, :index

  IO.inspect(Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :phoenix_router_scopes))

Now, rebuilding the application will give us the following output:

    alias: "Elixir.PhoenixInternalsWeb",
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: [],
    pipes: [:browser],
    private: %{}
    alias: nil,
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: nil,
    pipes: [],
    private: %{}
    alias: "Elixir.PhoenixInternalsWeb",
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: ["nested"],
    pipes: [],
    private: %{}
    alias: "Elixir.PhoenixInternalsWeb",
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: [],
    pipes: [:browser],
    private: %{}
    alias: nil,
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: nil,
    pipes: [],
    private: %{}
    alias: "Elixir.PhoenixInternalsWeb",
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: [],
    pipes: [:browser],
    private: %{}
    alias: nil,
    as: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    host: nil,
    path: nil,
    pipes: [],
    private: %{}

Note that the first stack has stayed the same. However, the second set, which corresponds to the nested scope, has a third Scope structure. As we can see, the “path” has been updated . Once the scope ends, the Scope structure is popped from the stack, and the final inspected stack once again contains only two Scopes.

We can see this push/pop functionality in code by taking a look at the scope macro.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

defmacro scope(path, alias, options, do: context) do
  options = quote do
    |> Keyword.put(:path, unquote(path))
    |> Keyword.put(:alias, unquote(alias))
  do_scope(options, context)

defp do_scope(options, context) do
  quote do
    Scope.push(__MODULE__, unquote(options))
    try do

Let’s look back at the final steps of route building.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

defmacro __before_compile__(env) do
  routes = env.module |> Module.get_attribute(:phoenix_routes) |> Enum.reverse
  routes_with_exprs =, &{&1, Route.exprs(&1)})

  Helpers.define(env, routes_with_exprs)
  {matches, _} = Enum.map_reduce(routes_with_exprs, %{}, &build_match/2)

The routes are fetched from the module, then they are processed by Route.exprs/1.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router/route.ex

def exprs(route) do
  {path, binding} = build_path_and_binding(route)

    path: path,
    host: build_host(,
    verb_match: verb_match(route.verb),
    binding: binding,
    prepare: build_prepare(route, binding),
    dispatch: build_dispatch(route)

This function sets up and generates a lot of the code that will be used further on, but doesn’t make a lot of sense out of context. The best way to understand it is to examine the output. To do so, we can update our router…

# Our router

scope "/", PhoenixInternalsWeb do
  pipe_through :browser

  get "/foo/:id", PageController, :index

…and add some inspection statements after the routes_with_exprs assignment in the __before_compile__ macro.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

{_, expr} = hd(routes_with_exprs)
Macro.to_string(expr.prepare) |> IO.puts()

Now we run mix deps.compile phoenix && mix compile and view the logs. The routes_with_exprs should look something like this:

  { %Phoenix.Router.Route{
     assigns: %{},
     helper: "page",
     host: nil,
     kind: :match,
     line: 19,
     opts: :index,
     path: "/foo/:id",
     pipe_through: [:browser],
     plug: PhoenixInternalsWeb.PageController,
     private: %{},
     verb: :get
     binding: [{"id", {:id, [], nil}}],
     dispatch: {PhoenixInternalsWeb.PageController, :index},
     host: {:_, [], Phoenix.Router.Route},
     path: ["foo", {:id, [], nil}],
     prepare: {:__block__, [],
        {:=, [],
         [{:path_params, [], :conn}, {:%{}, [], [{"id", {:id, [], nil}}]}]},
        {:=, [],
           {:%{}, [], [params: {:params, [], :conn}]},
           {:var!, [context: Phoenix.Router.Route, import: Kernel],
            [{:conn, [], Phoenix.Router.Route}]}
        {:%{}, [],
           {:|, [],
              {:var!, [context: Phoenix.Router.Route, import: Kernel],
               [{:conn, [], Phoenix.Router.Route}]},
                params: {{:., [],
                  [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Map]}, :merge]}, [],
                 [{:params, [], :conn}, {:path_params, [], :conn}]},
                path_params: {:path_params, [], :conn}
     verb_match: "GET"

This output is a tuple of the route, which we are already familiar with, and the return value of Route.exprs. The Route.exprs return value, in particular the prepare key, looks a little complicated, but these are just the values that will go into creating our __match_route__ functions. We can see that from the output of Macro.to_string(expr.prepare) |> IO.puts().

  path_params = %{"id" => id}
  %{params: params} = var!(conn)
  %{var!(conn) | params: Map.merge(params, path_params), path_params: path_params}

Now, we can add another inspection line to our router, just after {matches, _} = Enum.map_reduce(routes_with_exprs, %{}, &build_match/2).

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

Macro.to_string(matches) |> IO.puts()

We can run this again by compiling our deps and our app (mix deps.compile phoenix && mix compile). Hopefully, the output here is quite clear.

  defp(__pipe_through0__(conn)) do
    conn = Plug.Conn.put_private(conn, :phoenix_pipelines, [:browser])
    case(browser(conn, [])) do
      %Plug.Conn{halted: true} = conn ->
      %Plug.Conn{} = conn ->
      other ->
        raise("expected browser/2 to return a Plug.Conn, all plugs must receive a connection (conn) and return a connection" <> ", got: #{inspect(other)}")
  def(__match_route__(var!(conn), "GET", ["foo", id], _)) do
      path_params = %{"id" => id}
      %{params: params} = var!(conn)
      %{var!(conn) | params: Map.merge(params, path_params), path_params: path_params}
    ), &__pipe_through0__/1, {PhoenixInternalsWeb.PageController, :index}}

Finally, we see the actual code generated with our router. Let’s look back at our call function from the very beginning to see how it fits together.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

def call(conn, _opts) do
  |> prepare()
  |> __match_route__(conn.method,, &URI.decode/1),
  |> Phoenix.Router.__call__()

The conn is prepared, then is passed to __match_route__. If it pattern matches against a __match_route__ function like we saw above, the __match_route__ function returns a tuple containing a conn with updated path parameters, a pipe_through function capture, and a module/action controller tuple. Finally, that value is passed to Phoenix.Router.__call__.


The final function executed in the Router is perhaps its most straightforward.

# deps/phoenix/lib/phoenix/router.ex

def __call__({conn, pipeline, {plug, opts}}) do
  case pipeline.(conn) do
    %Plug.Conn{halted: true} = halted_conn ->
    %Plug.Conn{} = piped_conn ->
      try do, plug.init(opts))
        e in Plug.Conn.WrapperError ->
        :error, reason ->
          Plug.Conn.WrapperError.reraise(piped_conn, :error, reason, System.stacktrace())

Taking the output from the __match_route__, this function executes the pipeline, then, unless the connection is halted, it calls, plug.init(opts)). As you may have noticed, the “plug” variable in this case is the controller, which conforms to the Plug spec. So that is where the conn is finally dispatched.

Wrapping Up

We’ve now covered everything from mix phx.server to the request being dispatched to an appropriate controller. This ended up being another post of 2k+ words. Sorry about that! If you made it all the way to the end, I hope you got something out of it. If you did, @ me on Twitter :)

tags: elixir - phoenix